This newest exhibit at the Lloyd Library and Museum was inspired by the joie de vivre of one of the Lloyd's dearest patrons and friends, Pierre Rene Sotteau (1925-2010). Sotteau, Professor Emeritus of Miami University (OH), French Department, was a long-time user of the Lloyd's resources, helped with exhibits, research and more. In his last years, he was researching Curtis Gates Lloyd, one of the Library's founders. The two men shared a love of travel, and Sotteau had been busily tracking down Lloyd's travels around the world. A curious connection to Lloyd, through Sotteau, was revealed in the person of photographer, Joel Quimby, an acquaintance of Pierre's. Quimby's photographs of Madagascar from a recent trip are remarkably similar to Lloyd's photographs of the Caribbean islands over 100 years ago. Pierre Sotteau connected Lloyd and Quimby in a way he perhaps never imagined. Now, the travels of all three men will be on exhibit at the Lloyd - book and memorabilia exhibit highlights some of Sotteau's favorite travel destinations, while the art gallery holds selections of Quimby's and Lloyd's travel photographs.
Don't miss this opportunity!